Welkom, dapper avonturiers. Een lekker reis en om van die klimplek af te sê. Berei jouself voor vir 'n rit wat moeilik is om te ervaar en uiters lonend. Aktiwiteite: jou avontuur sal waarskynlik een van die beste oomblikke wees wat jy op hierdie reis deurbring. Laat ek jou sê, dit is nie vir die swaksinniges nie, want om dit te doen, het jy baie ritssluitings nodig, 'n bietjie sterkte en die belangrikste balans. Maar moenie bekommerd wees nie. Dit alles sal 'n ervaring wees wat die moeite werd is om avontuur te ervaar. Guangdong Domerry sagte speel-klimstel is in no way comprehensive but here are some starting points for how to create your own awesome adventure.
Die eerste ding is om te kyk of jy die regte toerusting het om enige berg te klim feitlik dat dit 'n Himalaja-trek is of nie. Begin deur jou stapstewels aan te trek. So, hierdie Guangdong Domerry speelgrond binnenshuise klimnet moet aan die kante toerits en styf genoeg wees dat jou voet beskerm word. Onthou, dra steeds mense, maar wil nooit onsself in die leed stel nie. En dit is presies hoekom ons lae het om te verseker dat jy elke tree van jou klim ondersteun en gerig word.
Die eerste ding wat jy in rotsklim doen, is om dit te soek klimraam net is ideal places to put your hands and feet before getting started. Step back and scan your environment. Look for a small place or handle that allows you to rest with your hands, and one where you can gain ground with legs. Keep deep breathing and brace yourself for what will likely be a very difficult road to recovery.
Eet die gaas: Onthou dat jou liggaam baie naby aan maas moet wees, wanneer jy net begin klim. En dit sal jou gebalanseerd en gegrond hou. Druk jou 'n bietjie meer op die klimraamnet sal jou tone en skoene ook beskerm, Judy Weight on Your Legs: Vir elke stap beweeg jou gewig in die bene, gebruik hulle soveel spierwerk. Speelgrondklimnet is egter presies daardie moeilikheid om dit te bekom wat beteken dat dit verstandig gebruik moet word. Nee, druk uit met jou bene en arms minder. Dit leer jou effektief klim wat jou in staat sal stel om daardie heerlike bergtop met gemak en in ’n japtrap aan te raak.
Hou aan klim, neem net jou tyd en wees versigtig. Jy moet ook verseker dat jy teenwoordig is sodat wanneer jou liggaam 'n breek of rus nodig het, jy stop en dit doen. Hier is 'n paar kinders wat klim binnenshuise net speelgrond moets en moenies wat jou kan lei tot belewenis van pret terwyl jy jou hande probeer op bouldering, voorlopers of selfs die beste top-tou-geleenthede.
design team is comprised of 3D model Climbing mesh and concept designers. can offer a proposal for an initial meeting. Based on the size your planning area, team will help create a customized design including style, theme as well as color. From the concept design to 3D model design will give the complete proposal to fit your ideas. Customize colors can created to match your brand needs. Each product be integrated with IP image associated with it can accept a custom logo the site. are experienced in design of huge brands. designers are mostly experienced in this field and have successfully completed a number of projects. We have five technical experts who will study the design and evaluate it against production data after signing the contract.
have more than 12 years' experience in playground market and delivered more than 1000 custom indoor playground projects all of the world, concept planning 3-D design, production and shipping, all in one service. Our manufacturing facility covers more than 15000sqm, making it largest manufacturer of soft play in Guangzhou. employ a sophisticated job clarification system make sure that each manufacturing process executed correctly. The monthly production Climbing mesh is about 50 sets of indoor equipment. We offer variety automatic machines. Assistance to make the product more precise including the wood cutting and iron cutting, as well as the cut-off of leather and the woven machine.
More than 1000 international project collaborate with more than 300 counties. partner with three top brand chain playground operators in China. Every year, we attend many international professional exhibitions to better serve different Climbing mesh, such as AAA, GTI IAAPA DEAL SHOW SEA SHOW ect. We can provide customers professional product suggestions based upon market conditions. We have worked with IP from big brands such as "Angry Bird" "How to Train the Dragon" and "Tomica". We have the knowledge in transforming the cartoon images story into genuine product. Our company is only supplier work with them and assist in the construction of the store that is their flagship in China
company a registered patent certification, we can offer specific certifications to meet the requirements different countries. high-quality products and low maintenance the reason why we are selected by a variety of the leading brands China and overseas. We employ a professional technician test the products prior shipment to control quality, our technical team continually summarizes the real-time landing issues and continuously correct and modify the specifications of our products. Using combination of machine manual labor, pay more careful attention to the specifics of our products and ensure that the products are endurable. All of our Climbing mesh have been tested and have passed fire safety as well as Environmental certified. All our products are composed of non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly materials that is suitable for the kids.