Aside from soaring at high morning altitude soaking your hair in the winds above, have you ever wanted to stand upon something tall and look down? The next time you are in the mood for indoor fun that will last a hour and keep boredom at bay, why not give our amazing new Guang Domerry 실내 로프 코스 for playground Guang Domerry course a try?
Don’t worry. Making Fun Safely repeat the swipe now your safety while having fun is most important thing for us. You are always attached to a safety cable as you climb, so have good comfort at heights. you have friends and instructors that are friendly yet professional to hold your hand through the progression levels of the course. The 밧줄이 있는 놀이터 이 스릴 넘치는 길을 오르면서 로프를 이용하는 방법과 자신감과 안정감을 느끼는 방법을 훈련시켜 드립니다.
The very instant you walk on to a high ropes course, your stomach might turn into an anxious void of wanting to have the experience over in a flash while at the same time being super excited. Guang Domerry rope playground is common to have a little fear about the heights but with every climb, you will become confident and strong. You may be surprised at what you can achieve.
말할 것도 없이, 높은 실내 로프 코스에서 등반하는 것은 재미있을 뿐만 아니라 꽤 좋은 운동이기도 합니다. 몸 전체가 사용되며 건강을 유지하는 데 매우 중요합니다. 수영을 좋아한다면, 최고의 신체 활동 중 하나인 이 운동으로 높은 로프 코스를 탐험하여 아날로그 라이프스타일에 재미와 건강을 더해보세요.
실내 코스의 또 다른 가장 흥미로운 점은 연중무휴로 운영된다는 것입니다. 비가 오든 덥고 햇볕이 내리쬐는 날이든 항상 등반과 스윙에서 편안함을 찾을 수 있습니다. 등산용 밧줄 그물 실내. 어느 계절이든 즐거운 고고(go-go)이며, 추운 날씨를 스릴 넘치게 즐기기에 가장 좋은 선택입니다.
1000개가 넘는 국제 프로젝트가 300개가 넘는 국가와 협력합니다. 우리는 중국 3대 체인 브랜드 놀이터 운영자와 협력합니다. 매년 AAA, GTI IAAPA DEAL SHOW SEA SHOW 등과 같은 다양한 시장에 더 나은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 많은 전문적인 국제 행사에도 참여합니다. 시장 상황에 따라 고객에게 전문적인 제품 추천을 제공합니다. 제품은 실내 하이 로프 코스 이미지를 90% 이상 회복합니다. 우리는 "앵그리 버드", "드래곤 길들이기", "토미카"와 같은 대형 브랜드 IP와 협력했습니다. 우리는 만화 이미지를 만화의 이야기로 만드는 경험 전문성을 가지고 있습니다. 우리 회사는 중국에서 플래그십 스토어 건설을 지원하고 함께 일하는 유일한 공급업체입니다.
company has more than 12-year experience market for playgrounds. offer more than 1000 custom indoor playgrounds throughout world. From design plans to 3D designs, manufacturing of product, delivery and installation company offers a single-stop solution. factory covers an area of more than 15000sqm, making largest manufacturer of soft play in Guangzhou. We use sophisticated job clarification system to ensure that each Indoor high ropes course process is properly handled. production capacity for month is 50 sets of indoor play equipment. offer various kinds of automatic machines. Support to make the product more specification include the wooden cutting, iron cutting, the cutter of leather, and the weave machine.
design team is comprised of 3D model designers and concept designers. can offer a proposal for an initial meeting. Based on the size of your planning area, team will help in the customization of the original design such as style, theme and color. Moving from the conceptual design to the 3D model designs. design team will present the complete proposal fit your ideas. Customize color scheme can be developed to meet your branding requirement. Every product can incorporate associated IP image accept customize logo of website. have Indoor high ropes course experience in the design of huge brands. Our designers are mainly experienced in area, have worked on a variety attractive project. have five technical designers who will review the design then compare it with production information after signing the contract.
company its own patent and certifications can provide certificates specific to needs of various countries. quality is stable and low maintenance the reason that we are chosen many of the most renowned brands in China as well as overseas. We have professional technician to test the Indoor high ropes course prior to shipment to assurance quality. Our technical staff continuously review real-time landing issues and constantly correct and adjust the specifications of products. Utilizing a combination of machines and manual labor pay greater focus on the details of the product order to ensure that the product is more endurable. All of materials have been tested and been tested fire safety and environmentally friendly certificates. Our products are constructed from safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly materials suitable for children.